Friday, May 20, 2011

Changing what you use in your home- for the good of your family!

The more research I do, the more I decide to go back to the "pioneer" ways!  It seems our forefathers had busy days of doing everything by hand- something I am learning a thing or two about!  It excites me to think that changing what I use actually saves me money!

I have been thinking of ways to make my home a little more "healthy" for the little ones.   Here are a few things I have changed so far:

  • switched to natural products for the little one's skin (I intend on doing a post just for this)
  • changed our shower soap to natural (you know you are massaging these chemicals into your body from head to to on a daily basis!)
  • bathroom cleaners are now vinegar/water/tea tree oil
  • homemade laundry detergent (check out how on this post)
  • using vinegar in my laundry instead of dryer sheets
  • Our bathroom hand soap is goats milk bars *

They say that you shouldn't have anything in your cleaning cabinet that you couldn't ingest.  Now, I haven't got quite that spectacular, but I am striving to get that way!  It would be very reassuring to know that my family is safe from scary chemicals for good!

*The one thing I am hoping to try instead of the bars is homemade foaming hand soap!  Living Renewed shows you how to do it here!  You need to check out this place! I have learned so much about germs!  I have always been weird about antibacterial, especially in the kitchen, but I have changed my ways! This is an easy step-by step guide!  Go for it!

If there is something you have changed in your household, let us know!  Like I tell little-bit, sharing is caring! :)  Have an awesome weekend!


Toni said...

You inspire me. :)

The Save at Home Mom said...

I'm going to post a list of cleaning supplies I use- maybe the beginning of next week! stay tuned!